Killing Goldilocks - Test
I believe that there are some technical issues with the lights in the middle and if I were to go back I would make sure I had keyframes them correctly and would be able to then allow for the movement to be a little bit more dramatic. However, the most successful part of this test for me was the 'wiping of the brow' which I'd paired with the facial replacements within this scene. This gave an 'o' notion when he wiped the sweat and I feel that it would make an audience believe he is truly exhausted from attempting to kill Goldilocks.
Facial Replacements Test - Bear
This test was just to make sure that the facial replacements worked and fit into the face. I wanted to include it as I'd set out from the beginning to make facial replacements for at least one of my puppets, I am a little bit disappointed that I didn't get a chance to make them for Goldilocks as well. Although I do feel as though these were successful enough and if I were to shoot it again I would probably have lip synced them up with a voice actor in the recording studio whilst making sure the phonemes were correct.
Porridge Goldilocks Poison - Test
The premise for this test was to show the audience that she was retreating but at a slow pace due to being injured by the bear. The strongest part of this scene would most definitely be the closing of the door and the head movement. I was really proud of this and it made the character look as though she was watching her back closely making sure nobody was following her.
If I were to attempt it again, I would definitely make the injury seem more dramatic, I don't think I'd anticipated the puppet to be so rigid when I moved her. I felt as though each time I tweaked the character the arm would slowly reach back into a different position - this was definitely down to the jacket on the puppet being too tight to control any movement.
This test was one that I'd struggled with getting the 'falling' part correct. The movement of her legs getting off the chair was a little slow - but from my research Stop Motion is supposed to be the illusion of movement but I wanted to insinuate to the audience that she was immediately disorientated and then captured the movement of her falling in three steps with help from the chair in the scene.
The bear randomly appears in the window of this test and looking back onto it I wished that I'd exaggerated the shot a little bit more. I could of definitely gone in with a dramatic zoom which would of added a peculiar but comedic element to the scene and would of allowed the audience to notice the bear a lot quicker.
Goldilocks Opening Door - Test
The opening of the door test worked well I believe, apart from the leg movement towards the end as she begins to turn her body. This threw the whole scene off and left it with the feeling of rigidity, I initially wanted a swinging movement when she threw herself into the room. However, I struggled with this as I had to tie her feet down onto the floor using bolts and couldn't raise them without the other side of the body beginning to lean.
I do think the lighting works very well in this scene and the shadow falls on the part of the set that isn't used in this. Although the rays of red that beam across the one side of the set connote that there is a sense of danger within this part of the shot - this was insinuating the porridge and the poison on the shelf.
Panning Shot - Goldilocks Test
Originally, I'd wanted the opening of the door test to start with a panning shot as the movement of Goldilocks began to spin around. However, I found it really difficult to time the motion tracker with my movement of Goldilocks and ended up opting for a test panning shot instead. I would definitely love to do this scene again as I believe I could better the craft of using the motion tracker and it would then enable me to complete a more polished feel to the scene.
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